Throughout FIFA World Cup 2022, Join Avon and NO MORE to Say #IAMASUPPORTER of Ending Domestic Abuse

28 November 2022

Fifa World Cup 2022 and Avon Cosmetics

What does the World Cup mean to you? Excitement and pride – or fear of your partner?

This year, 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence coincides with the FIFA World Cup 2022. For many, such sporting events are a time of great camaraderie, community, and national pride. But for those in an abusive relationship, it can also be a dangerous and fearful time. Regardless of winning or losing, domestic violence cases can increase by 26%.

Make no mistake. Football doesn’t cause domestic abuse, and it is never an excuse. But just like COVID lockdowns or the holiday season or alcohol consumption, the tournament can aggravate or exacerbate pre-existing abusive behaviours.

Domestic Abuse

1 in 3 women globally experiences abuse in their lifetime – statistically, we all know someone who has experienced or is currently experiencing abuse, so all of us can make an impact in tackling gender-based violence.

That’s why Avon and No More have joined forces to encourage fans around the world to say #iamasupporter of ending domestic abuse. We’ve developed resources with information on the signs of abuse and how to support friends or loved ones who may be experiencing it, during the World Cup and beyond.

Social Media and Avon Cosmetics

Our social media campaign, running throughout the World Cup, highlights matches each day and directs people in those countries to a toolkit that they can safely and easily download. The toolkit not only helps to increase understanding of domestic violence, but it also offers information on what to say to someone you know who is experiencing abuse and what you can do to help them.

It can be challenging to know what to say, what to do, and how to ensure their safety. By downloading the #iamasupporter toolkit, we can all be more prepared. We can listen without judgment and offer practical support, from a safe space to store important documents to a professional helpline.

Understanding more about domestic violence, and raising awareness is crucial to helping to end it. Join us during the World Cup and beyond, to say #iamasupporter of ending domestic abuse. Every conversation, every share on social media, and every download of the toolkit is a winning goal against gender-based violence.

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