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Bargoed is a town located in Gwent, Wales. The town's rugby club holds the world record for the most consecutive league wins in a row and was World Rugby magazine's team of the year in 2005. The English meaning of the town's Welsh language name, Bargod, is border. Pronunciation of the town's name varies depending on street. There are many variations, from the standard Welsh Barr-god and English Bar-goyd to the informal Baa-Gud and Baa-Go-Ed.
The town was home to a factory built by the Austin Motor Company from 1949. This was a project by Austin chairman Leonard Lord, with government funding, to employ miners suffering from pneumoconiosis, a lung disease caused by prolonged inhalation of dust. In 1945 it was estimated that 5000 miners in the South Wales region were affected by the condition to the extent that they could not work in the coal industry. The Austin factory at Bargoed became the first factory in the world where every employee was registered as disabled.
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