Why not become an Avon sales representative or sales leader in the Elswick area? We have many Avon representative and sales leadership opportunities in the Elswick area.
Elswick is a ward of the city of Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England. The ward profile shows Elswick is the ward with the highest percentage of children under 14 years in Newcastle and has a lower than average number of senior citizens (10%) than Newcastle as a whole. Elswick has a lower than average number of houses in owner-occupation (26.3% compared with 49.9% for Newcastle city).
Elswick station was opened in 1889 to serve the area. It was located at the western end of the Elswick Works, whose workforce made up a significant proportion of travellers. The area suffered as a result of the inter-war and subsequent depressions, culminating in the demolition of the Elswick works. The station was closed and then demolished in 1967. Elswick was hit hard by the decline of Tyneside's shipbuilding industry during the second half of the 20th century, and by the 1990s was widely regarded as one of the worst parts of Tyneside, if not the whole of Britain.
If you are interested in becoming a local area representative for a location in Elswick, please get in touch by clicking this button.