Why not become an Avon sales representative or sales leader in the Forest Town area? We have many Avon representative and sales leadership opportunities in the Forest Town area.
Forest Town is a village located in Nottinghamshire, England. An old part of Forest Town known as The Avenues is the high-density housing built as homes for the workers from the nearby Crown Farm Colliery (also known as 'Mansfield Colliery'), once a major employer. After closure of the coal mine in early 1988, the site has gradually been transformed to accommodate manufacturing in a variety of units on an industrial estate.
A nearby development was the fabric manufacturing factory built on heathland by the Japanese organisation Toray. This occurred amidst much publicity – with Toray stating during local recruitment in three phases, 1992–93 that their mission was to become Mansfield's finest Corporate Citizen. By the 2000s the size of the workforce had been considerably reduced.
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