Why not become an Avon sales representative or sales leader in the Ventnor area? We have many Avon representative and sales leadership opportunities in the Ventnor area.
Ventnor is a seaside town located in Isle of Wight, England. Ventnor became extremely fashionable as both a health and holiday resort in the late 19th century, described as the 'English Mediterranean' and 'Mayfair by the Sea'. Medical advances during the early twentieth century reduced its role as a health resort and, like other British seaside resorts, its summer holiday trade suffered the changing nature of travel during the latter part of that century. Its relatively sheltered location beneath the hilly chalk downland produces a microclimate with more sunny days and fewer frosts than the rest of the island.
In the early nineteenth century, in addition to the mill, Ventnor consisted solely of a few fishermen's huts by the cove, a couple of inns, and a farm. The area was divided between the parishes of Godshill and Newchurch. In 1820 both of the manors were sold to John Hamborough and other building speculators. Thereafter Ventnor developed very rapidly into a town, particularly during the winter, and a wider range of shops than would be expected for a town of its size. In 1844 Parliament passed an Act "for better paving, lighting, cleansing, and otherwise improving part of the parish of Newchurch, called Ventnor, and for establishing a market therein".
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